When Michael Met Mina

Why This Is My First Must-Read Book for 2021

You know that feeling of not wanting to put a book down? You just want to keep reading it and not bother about anything else in the world? Have the characters been so captivating that you’re scared to leave them behind when the book concludes? Well, Randa Abdel-Fattah’s When Michael Met Mina, has been that book for me lately. One of the many pickups from the 2021 Adelaide Writer’s Week book tent, this has been a captivating story from start to finish, and is my first Must-Read book for 2021.

The front cover of my copy of When Michael Met Mina.

An All Too Familiar Plot and Theme

Michael is an Anglo-Australian living in the Northern Shores, an affluent area of Sydney. His parents have recently founded an organisation called Aussie Values, which is to address the issue of asylum seekers in Australia. At first, Michael follows what his parents believe in, but that all changes when he meets Mina. Mina is a former asylum seeker who came to Australia via boat and has moved to the area, after having lived in the inner western Sydney suburb of Auburn.

Reading through it, When Michael Met Mina plot-wise is essentially a Romeo and Juliet style story. It’s a common sort of plot which is centred around the theme of asylum-seeking, a popular topic in Australian literature for decades. This topic has also been a big area of debate throughout Australia outside of literature as well, from our media to its influence in politics.

These features though don’t mean it’s any less of an engaging read. The way the characters of Michael and Mina are crafted brings life to the story. To see their interactions and how they change over time, it’s so captivating and thought-provoking in many ways too. Seeing both Michael and his younger brother Nathan open up, it’s amazing to see. It’s all a part of Michael’s sense of growth and becoming an individual, rather than an extension of his parents.

Different But The Same

Despite their major differences, both Michael and Mina do find common ground. This common ground is what builds the foundations of their friendship. It’s this common ground too in which changes Michael as a person and allows him to grow and become open-minded.

Michael’s journey and growth as a person remind me much of my journey growing up. Like Michael, I once was closed off and only saw the world as black and white. Going out and exploring new ideas and cultures did change my perspective, just like it did with Michael. His eventual discovery of common ground with Mina reminds me of my self-discovery. I made connections with people from places like Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Indonesia based on this common ground. Through the common ground, I discovered how, despite the differences of our upbringings, we were the same in some strange way.

It’s this why I do think I’ve found When Michael Met Mina to be such an engaging read. It reminds me of my journey of self-discovery and growth. It speaks in a way that few books in recent times have spoken to me.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a story that’s thought-provoking, has engaging characters, and is a journey of self-discovery, I highly recommend you read When Michael Met Mina. Its books like this are why I love reading. Its themes as well are highly relevant and, in all honesty, should make it a worthy addition to a senior school reading list. You will find this story a thrill from start to finish.

*Extra word: I just wanted to also quickly say something about the book’s cover. This cover, created by Elissa Webb, is nothing short of beautiful. The use of colours, typography, and hand-drawn illustrations make it one of my favourite covers. It matches into the story effectively and is one of the reasons why me and my girlfriend got this book.         

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